One day into this crisis, I named 5 reasons the coronavirus might be good for your love life. Now it looks like other people are catching on. Time Magazine reports how people who depended on apps, texting and quick meetups are now out of business: “These digital natives, who through online apps have enjoyed a […]
Monthly Archives: April 2020
I am starting to feel that if I’m in a new relationship with a healthy co-parent that I will always come after him, the kids and his ex. I know I have to establish that I am not coming in to be a step-parent, just a bonus adult figure who may or may not become […]
Love U is my coaching program for smart women who want to make smarter choices in love. You might think that since people can’t date in person that demand has gone down. Not only are single people lonelier than ever but couples in weak marriages are being tested That is not the case at all. […]
I came out of a long-term four-year relationship about 6 months ago. During the relationship, I made some mistakes – always putting my partner first over my needs and accepting his bad behavior (numerous times cheating on me, lying to me, diminishing my self-worth) I told my friends that I wanted to give the relationship […]
After over a decade of doing this, I know when to tread lightly on certain subjects and sexual assault is one of them. I wrote an article about the MeToo Movement that was widely shared and was invited to appear on a CNN Town Hall, which I declined to attend because there’s no reward in […]
A month ago, I shared Andrew Sullivan’s take on this Peggy Orenstein article, The Miseducation of the American Boy. Subtitle “Why boys crack up at rape jokes, think having a girlfriend is “gay,” and still can’t cry—and why we need to give them new and better models of masculinity.” As if that’s the sum total […]
I have been seeing a man I like and it’s getting serious. Then I encountered a vlog by a married woman saying you shouldn’t have any secrets between spouses and the disclosure should happen long before engagement. What’s your opinion on this, Evan? Should spouses have no secrets? What sort of things do you think […]
When my wife’s first husband cheated on her, her mantra was “Everybody cheats, nobody’s happy.” That’s not true, but if you have a faulty man-picker and surround yourself with similar friends, it may be hard to believe. Misery loves company. There’s a big difference between a drunken kiss and a full-blown affair where you’re leading […]